
Shalom and Welcome!

Welcome to the Congregation Beth Hallel (House of Praise) website! We are a Messianic Jewish synagogue located in historic Roswell, Georgia. To learn more about us click here. To learn more about the Beth Hallel Messianic New Orleans fellowship, click here. To learn more about the Beth Hallel Messianic Birmingham fellowship, click here.

Messianic Judaism is Bible based Judaism. Messianic Jews believe that the Scriptures - from Genesis through Revelation - are the inerrant word of God; in these writings is revealed both the history and future of mankind from creation to the second coming of Messiah. Messianic Judaism is the Jewish arm of the body of Messiah and we maintain our roots, heritage and lifestyle by worshipping Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus the Messiah), in a Jewish context.


Upcoming Events


  • Men's Breakfast - Sunday, June 1st - 10:00 A.M.
  • Women's Breakfast - Sunday, June 6th - 10:00 A.M.
  • Healing and Deliverance - Wednesday, June 9th - 7:00 P.M.

June Calendar






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