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Shalom and welcome to Congregation Beth Hallel’s website. We are a congregation that lives mishpacha (family), connected to each other as members of a community based on our shared love for our Creator and Judaism. We are Jewish people who believe that Yeshua (Jesus) is the promised Jewish Messiah and who trust Him fully while continuing to live as G-d created us – Jewish! We are also non-Jewish people who recognize that the Jewish Messiah came for all people and who take great joy in living a Jewish lifestyle just as the original Gentile followers of Yeshua did.

We worship G-d together regularly on Shabbat; however, that is not the only time we enter the synagogue. We also value the richness and joy in celebrating the holidays that G-d instituted in Torah. The different departments that you can read about on this site make certain that there are always events to attend and projects with which to get involved. We have a fantastic education program for our children and youth, including a top-notch Bar/Bat-Mitzvah program and very active high school and college youth groups. Our Sisterhood actively serves within the congregation and beyond, raising money for local organizations as well as for Israel – the Land that has our hearts forever.

Thank you for your interest in Congregation Beth Hallel. Messianic Judaism is so exciting! If you are Jewish, as you can see, you will feel right at home. If you are not Jewish, you will quickly become comfortable as you understand that you have been grafted in to a tree with Jewish roots. Please feel free to continue browsing this site to learn more, and know that I warmly welcome you to come experience a Shabbat service for yourself.


Rabbi Kevin Solomon
Senior Rabbi